St.Benedict’s Wish List

St. Benedict’s Chapel provides and evening meal to the homeless and food insecure six evenings a week as well as Sunday mornings. If you would like to help them continue their ministry, please consider the following. Any donation is greatly appreciated. 1 Month of Serving Gloves $23
750 Dinner plates $51
1 Month of Trash Bags $35
500 Loads of Laundry $48
1 Month of Cleaning Supplies $93
250 Cups of Coffee $37
500 Cups of Coffee $74

Wish List Donations can be made online through our Website or mailed to PO BOX 745 Lubbock, TX 79408

Meal Team St. Benedict’s is in need of another Saturday meal team for 2019. This team would be responsible for preparing and serving a meal every six weeks. If you are interested on serving on this team contact: Norma Valdez at 806-441-2328. This is a great ministry to reach out to hose in need. Please carefully consider becoming a part of this team. Thank you.