As we were reminded during the reading from the letter of St. Paul to Titus at the Mass of Midnight on Christmas Eve, God has given us a gift in the person of Jesus Christ.  This gift purifies us as God’s people but also comes with an expectation: that we receive it with thanksgiving, allowing it to transform us into Christ’s image; learning to live a life “eager to do what is good.”

 Father Rudi would like to extend his deepest gratitude to all of the wonderful parishioners who have indeed taken this gift to heart and used their time, talent and treasure in grateful thanksgiving during Advent and Christmas.

The gift of time:  Environment committee who so beautifully decorated the sanctuary and gathering space; those who decorated the Angel Trees, collected and distributed the gifts; the ushers who set up and then cleaned up chairs to handle the overflow crowd; all the lectors, servers, av operators, and ministers who served at Mass.

The gift of talent: the choir and all musicians; all who participated in and helped with the Children’s Pageant.

Finally, a special thank you to all who so willingly shared their treasure through gifts for the needy and in support of Holy Spirit. May you all be greatly blessed!

Saturday Leaf Gathering

Thank you to all those that braved the cold weather Saturday morning to help with the final grounds clean-up project at Holy Spirit. Your volunteer spirit is appreciated by all those that couldn’t be there to help.  

Volunteering – is the practice of people working on behalf of others without being motivated by any personal gain. That describes the Saturday volunteers perfectly!

Two hours work by our early-morning volunteers. Thank you!
The Rosco Team.
They are looking good Charlie.

We appreciate our Young Adults; Libby, Stacey, Irving, & Jamir.
HSCP Family working together; Bryan, Catherine, Logan, Cason, Fr. Rudi, & Ryan