National Vocations Awareness Week  – Diocesan Novena for Vocations   November 1 –9

During National Vocations Awareness Week, the Diocese of Lubbock invites you to pray for vocations. Each day we will dedicate prayers for a different intention, asking the Lord to open men and women to lives of service in the church and to be courageous in doing the will of God. Please join us!

Daily Intentions

November 1 Increase in Vocations – We pray for an increase in priestly and religious vocations that those called will be courageous in saying “YES”. 

November 2 Families – We pray that, if it be God’s will, there might be vocations to the priesthood and religious life from our own family and that they be supported through our encouragement. 

November 3 Consecrated Women – We ask Almighty God to sustain our consecrated women in their vocation and  to call more women to service for the Church of Lubbock.

November 4 Priests -For the priests of our diocese, that God uphold them in virtue and holiness as they give themselves in service to the people of God.   

November 5 Permanent Diaconate – For our permanent deacons, their wives, and families, for those in discernment, that the Lord uphold them in their ministry of charity.

November 6 Single People – We pray that those called to the vocation of single life may grow in holiness and that they give their whole lives to serve the Church. 

November 7 Seminarians – That our men studying for the holy priesthood might persevere in their path of discernment and formation.

November 8 Marriage – May those called to the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony open themselves to lives of mutual self-giving and devotion.

November 9 Bishop  Robert Coerver – In thanksgiving for his ministry to the Diocese of Lubbock, that our God may bless him and guide him always.

Steps to the Novena  

  1. Begin with the Sign of the Cross
  2. Announce the Daily Intention          
  3. Pray one decade of the Rosary (Our Father one time, Hail Mary ten times, Glory Be one time)
  4. Pray the following prayer:

Lord Jesus, as You gave us your life You said, “Do this in memory of Me.” May all Your disciples fulfill Your command of love. Raise up humble men to the Priesthood, faithful people to the Consecrated Life, and holy men and women to Married Life. May all hear Your call to holiness and have the courage to respond with generous hearts. Amen

Pope Francis’ Prayer for Vocations

God, our Father, you made each of us to use our gifts in the Body of Christ. We ask that you inspire young people whom you call to priesthood and religious life to follow your will. Send workers into your great harvest so that the Gospel is preached, the poor are served with love, the suffering are comforted, and your people are strengthened through the sacraments. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.