Around the Parish

Thursday May 23, 6:30 pm in the chapel.

Please join us for our monthly Healing Mass on Thursday, May 23rd 6:30 pm in the chapel. Our next Healing Mass will be in August. Praise & Worship will be taking a break for the summer and will not meet in June or July. However, we will continue praying for those intentions we have already received. If you need a prayer for healing or intercession, please call the office and we will add you to our prayers.

Vocations Prayer Chalice Thank you to all those that have volunteered to take our traveling vocations prayer chalice home. Your dedicated prayers for our diocesan vocations, our bishop, priests, deacons, seminarians, and religious are greatly appreciated. If you didn’t get a chance to sign up this year, the Traveling Chalice program will return next September. There is one spot left if you would like to participate during the month of May. Check out the sign-up book on the Vocations Table in the gathering space.

Zumba with Deb and Ren! ! Join us on Saturdays at 9:00 AM and on Thursdays at 6:00 PM in McGiviney Hall. A $5 donation is appreciated to help cover instructor’s materials and facility expenses. All are welcome to join in the fitness and fun.

Holy Spirit Baptism Class for parents and godparents are available here at HSCP and well attended. Please call Karen in the parish office (806)698-6400 for baptismal information and to secure a spot in the next class. There are some planning and requirements that parents and sponsor need to consider when bringing a child into the Catholic faith through the sacrament of Baptism. A baptism date cannot be set until all requirements are met.

Baptismal Class Registration Form

God Parents Form

 Baptismal Registration

Guatemala Mission Trip July 20th -28th If you are interested in joining the group please contact Baylei Sehon (806-891-2115) or Stacy Saultz (806-679-0695). Estimated trip cost is $1300. A $300 deposit will hold your spot. View the Guatemala Mission gallery.

In the Gathering Space

The Augustine Institute
offers a wide variety of CD’s on relevant topics. Check out the offerings in
the kiosks at each end of the gathering space. Kindly donate $4 for each. Make
checks payable to Holy Spirit.

Holy Spirit Library

Yes! Holy Spirit has a library! Over 1,000 books, CDs and DVDs are available. Let the library enrich your Lenten journey. The library is located to the right of the doors leading to McGivney Hall (right across from the Men’s Restroom). Come and browse!

Holy Spirit Baptism Class Please call Karen in the parish office, (806)698-6400 for baptismal information and to secure a spot in the next class. A baptism date cannot be set until all requirements are met. Call the office for information or follow this link.

Pilgrimage to the Holy Sites of Central Europe 

Have you been considering joining the Pilgrimage to Central
Europe planned for the Fall? An informational meeting will be held Monday, April 15 at 6:00 pm in Room 118. The trip includes: Poland,
Germany, and Prague and you will be traveling with Father Rudi from September
30 through October 10, 2019.

Your journey includes sites in Krakow, Poland, an excursion
to Auchwitz where St. Maxmillan Kolbe was imprisoned. Returning to Krakow a
visit to the convent where St. Faustina lived, the birthplace of St. Pope John
Paul II as well as other sites are scheduled. You will also visit beautiful
Prague as well as Munich. From Munich you will take a full day tour to the most
famous of fairytale castles built by King Ludwig II. Your will also visit the
most beautiful Baroque church in Europe, the Church of Scourged Redeemer.

Cost per person: $ 3,995 (double occupancy). Sponsored
through Canterbury Pilgrimages Contact: (800) 653-0017 or email:

Holy Spirit’s Adoration Chapel is open for adoration 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You are always welcomed. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Read more about events around our diocese here.

How can you help?

Development Commission Needs Your Help!

Michael Lyles has been named the new commissioner of the Development Commission. He is looking for new members to serve with him. Please email him at if you are interested. The opportunity for service and using your gifts, talents, and expertise is available to all that feel called to serve. Read more about the Development Commission here.


May Crowning and Devotions to Mary

The month of May is a special month dedicated to Our Blessed Mother. Father Rudi has asked we try to pray at least a decade of the Rosary daily individually or with our families daily. All are invited to pray the Rosary as a parish family 30 minutes before each weekend Mass during the month of May. Families and friends are welcome to join together to lead the Rosaries before the weekend Masses. Please check with Karen or Amy in the parish office if you are interested.

Vocations Prayer Chalice Thank you to all those that have volunteered to take our traveling vocations prayer chalice home. Your dedicated prayers for our diocesan vocations, our bishop, priests, deacons, seminarians, and religious are greatly appreciated. If you didn’t get a chance to sign up this year, the Traveling Chalice program will return next September. There are some spots left if you would like to participate during the month of May. Check out the sign-up book on the Vocations Table in the gathering space.

Stewardship God calls us to be generous with all of our gifts, including our treasure. Our faith teaches us this through the Scriptures. Read more here.

 The Service Charism at Holy Spirit Every week the church linens are laundered and ironed by some ladies of our parish. Thank you to Teresa Reyher, Denise Hatch, Renee Neiber, Anna Esparza, Janie Garza, Susie Arellano, Mary Foster, Sherell Guichard-Thomas, Shelby Cargill, Grace Simmons, Carol Ford, and  Vernonica Serna. Volunteering is vital to our parish. Thank you for your time and talent.    

Are you a Registered Member? Do you use HSCP envelopes for your weekly donation? Have you completed the hard copy or online registration form and submitted it to the parish office? If so, you are registered. Visitor envelopes are available to all. Visitor envelops have an option on them to request a registration form be mailed to you. In order to receive sacraments at Holy Spirit you must be a registered member.

We invite you to fill out a registration form or complete it online so you can become actively involved in our parish family. Active members are those who have verified donations, are serving in some capacity in a ministry of the church, or as determined by the pastor. In order to receive sacraments at Holy Spirit you must be a registered member. Please note that registering children in the CCE programs does not automatically register the family as parishioners. If you have any questions, please call the office. We will be glad to help.


Volunteers If you volunteer in any capacity for Holy Spirit, please complete the online Safe Environment training.  (Virtus) The training is provided by the Diocese.Go to:  On the home page you will see the following drop down menu. Select Safe Environment and then Online Training.The training is available in English or Spanish. 

You will be guided through the registration process. The training involves being asked a question, followed by watching a short video and then asked to determine if your response was correct. The process will take about an hour from start to finish. Once you complete the course, you may want to print a certificate for your records. The diocese will have your record of completion in their database which can then be verified by the pastor. Read more here.



St. Benedict’s

St. Benedict’s Ministry Needs Your Help

We have a very dedicated group of volunteers that are preparing and serving a meal to the Homeless at St. Benedict’s every six weeks on Saturday. They need your help! We are looking for more volunteers to prepare chicken spaghetti or desserts so that the same people are not being asked to prepare every time. Servers are also wanted. If you could help contact Craig Bednarz at or call the office and let us know!

Adoration Chapel

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 

To visit the Blessed Sacrament is….. a proof of gratitude,
an expression of love,
and a duty of adoration toward Christ our Lord.
– St. Pope Paul VI

We need no wings to go in search of him but have only to find a place where we can be alone and look upon him present within us.
St. Teresa of Avila

Eucharistic Adoration provides the opportunity to just be in His presence and be still; it’s a retreat from the world.  HSCP’s Chapel provides a quiet place to contemplate God’s great love for you, your family, and your friends. It is a quiet place to empty your heart of concerns that may be weighing it down. It is a quiet place to fill your heart with his great mercy for you and your family, and friends. It is a quiet place to thank him, to praise him ….  and he is always there for you.

Read more about HSCP’s Chapel

Our chapel is open 24 hours a day ……. every day.

As we were reminded during the reading from the letter of St. Paul to Titus at the Mass of Midnight on Christmas Eve, God has given us a gift in the person of Jesus Christ.  This gift purifies us as God’s people but also comes with an expectation: that we receive it with thanksgiving, allowing it to transform us into Christ’s image; learning to live a life “eager to do what is good.”

 Father Rudi would like to extend his deepest gratitude to all of the wonderful parishioners who have indeed taken this gift to heart and used their time, talent and treasure in grateful thanksgiving during Advent and Christmas.

The gift of time:  Environment committee who so beautifully decorated the sanctuary and gathering space; those who decorated the Angel Trees, collected and distributed the gifts; the ushers who set up and then cleaned up chairs to handle the overflow crowd; all the lectors, servers, av operators, and ministers who served at Mass.

The gift of talent: the choir and all musicians; all who participated in and helped with the Children’s Pageant.

Finally, a special thank you to all who so willingly shared their treasure through gifts for the needy and in support of Holy Spirit. May you all be greatly blessed!

Around the Diocese


Catholic Charities Board Member Needed Want to make a difference? Interested? Contact:  Nurture you catholic faith with books, Bible studies, audio recordings, videos, and movies.  You have FREE access to the best resources available.  To set up your account:  Visit 

Pre-Modern Bibles The Museum of Texas Tech will host an exhibition that features a variety of Bibles, colorful illuminations and more than 1,000 years of biblical scholarship and its relationship to the development of western civilization in the middle ages. It features Bibles from the Dead Sea Scrolls to the Complutensian Polyglot Bible.  Exhibit will run August 18, 2018 – March 3, 2019.

Reporting Abuse or Neglect It is the policy of the Diocese of Lubbock to report any allegation of sexual abuse of a minor or vulnerable adult to law enforcement.  Once local law enforcement, or the child abuse/vulnerable adult hotline has been called, information regarding an allegation of sexual abuse of a minor should also be reported to Victim Assistance Coordinator Oscar Reyes at (806) 543-9178 or to diocesan officials.

Rachel’s Vineyard Recovery after Abortion Give us a call and join us on the next Rachel Weekend Retreat.   Confidential contact: Mindy at or 806-702-2284.  

Joseph’s Corner  Healing after Abortion Ministry – Project Joseph, 469-416-2101 or

CTKC School- open enrollment for 2018-2019 Many classes fill up quickly. For more information or for a tour, please contact: Becky King, at the school office, 795-8283, or via email at, or visit

Christ the King Catholic School ADOPT-A-STUDENT – If you are interested in supporting the Adopt-a-Student Program, please visit the “School Donations” page of the school website,, and click on the “Donate” button at the bottom of the page.  If you would like to receive more information or ask questions, please contact the School Development Office at (806)795-8283 or via email at

Catholic War Veterans Join other veterans on the 3rd Sunday of the month at the K of C Hall on Erskine. Information: Father Brian Wood at

Help Wanted! Mercy Retreat Center  Kitchen Cook & Helpers- Individuals, couples, teams- to help cook for retreats and functions and keep the kitchen, pantry, dining areas clean. Part-time positions. Primarily weekends and some weekdays. Starting pay: $8-10/hour. Great Weekend job! Call or text Mark-806-789-8456

Chi Rho Fundraiser Rent–A-Worker This worker will do indoor or outdoor work in exchange for a donation.  To schedule: Contact: or 806-787-8096

Vocations Discernment Retreat Saturday, February 9th from 9—3 (18 & Older) f (18 & Older) St. Francis Missionary Sister Welcome single women to Our Mother house and to a sharing in their prayer, life and ministry as we experience together: Pray the Liturgy of the Hours,; Spend time listening to the Lord’s Voice; Meet and chat with a Sister who can become your spiritual companion; Come to understand vowed life; Enjoy recreational time with the sisters. Sr. Oliva Rico : 806.793.9859 Sr. Kathleen DiMatino: 806.729.7257 


2020 Passion Play in Oberammergau In 1633, Southern Germany was in the grips of war, poverty, and the plague.  That year when the disease reached Oberammergau the villagers prayed for deliverance and vowed to perform a passion play about the last days of Jesus forever more.  Their prayers were answered and the village was saved from a continued outbreak of the plague. Nearly 400 years later the play continues.  It is performed once every decade. Witness Oberammergau Passion Play 2020 which will be performed daily May 16 through October 4, 2020. For more information please contact Debra at Envoye Travel 806-788-8907 ext.2004.  Join me, Sigrid Carter, for a visit to my home Country Germany, so I can take you to Oberammergau to witness the 2020 Passion Play.  I have only a few GREAT seats left with an overnight in a 4 star hotel,  just a few steps away from the performance. The unique play is a world event, a must see for every Christian.   It takes place only every 10 years.  In 2010 we visited not only Oberammergau but also the Holy Land, Rome, Austria for the Sound of Music, Switzerland for the spectacular scenery, and France for the Shrine of St. John Vianney. I can tailor your trip just for you, or you can join our Danube cruise which includes the Passion Play.

Kindly contact me. 806 829 2182  or 806 441 3256 Gloria de la Garza at 806-577-1776.

Praise, Worship, Adoration & Benediction Join us each Thursdays following the 5:30 pm Mass in the Holy Spirit Chapel for an hour of praise, worship, and adoration. Our chapel is always open for an opportunity to spend some time with our Lord, and each Thursdays all are welcome to join and pray as a parish community. We close with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Every fourth Thursday a Healing Mass is celebrated at 6:30 pm. (This Mass replaces the regular Thursday 5:30 Mass)

Need Help with Childhood Depression? Seeing a child, you love struggle with depression is a helpless feeling. But, if you are concerned, has created a free online-only Kids and Depression guide at Another source is the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at (800)273-8255. It offers confidential help 24 hours a day.

Counseling Affordable marriage and family counseling offered by Marriage & Family Life Office, in collaboration with TTU Marriage & Family Clinic. For appointment, call Dr. Nicole Springer at 806-742-3074

Promise to Protect—Pledge to Heal-The Lubbock Diocese Victim Assistance Coordinator is available to help anyone who has been abused or victimized by someone representing the Catholic Church. Contact: Oscar Reyes   806-543-9178

Our Lady of Victory Radio Visit 102.9 FM website at to hear live streaming of EWTN. For program schedule, please see  Nurture you catholic faith with books, Bible studies, audio recordings, videos, and movies.  You have FREE access to the best resources available.  To set up your account:  Visit

HSCP’s parishioners  can register for using our customized URL. Open this link   or copy and paste it in the  address bar of your mobile device and/or computer.

Follow the simpler online instructions to register. They ask for your name, your email address, and zipcode,  Finally, you will be asked to create a password.

If you haven’t already, you will need to download the app on your mobile device.  For questions, you can email


Adoration Chapel

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 

To visit the Blessed Sacrament is….. a proof of gratitude,
an expression of love,
and a duty of adoration toward Christ our Lord.
– St. Pope Paul VI

We need no wings to go in search of him but have only to find a place where we can be alone and look upon him present within us.
St. Teresa of Avila

Eucharistic Adoration provides the opportunity to just be in His presence and be still; it’s a retreat from the world.  HSCP’s Chapel provides a quiet place to contemplate God’s great love for you, your family, and your friends. It is a quiet place to empty your heart of concerns that may be weighing it down. It is a quiet place to fill your heart with his great mercy for you and your family, and friends. It is a quiet place to thank him, to praise him ….  and he is always there for you.

Read more about HSCP’s Chapel

Our chapel is open 24 hours a day ……. every day.

Thanksgiving Dinner

Make plans now to attend the annual Knights of Columbus Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday, November 11th! 
Meal Served 11:00—1:00 PM
Takeout available 9:00—1:00
Adults: $10   Children: $5
Meal includes: Turkey and all the   trimmings, dessert and tea.
Meal tickets will not be presold.

  Your support helps the Knights fund their charitable causes. We hope you can join us. Read more…..  Knights Corner

Calling all Bakers

Calling all Bakers! Our Fall Festival BBQ meals includes home-baked desserts and we need some help baking. Thanks to all those that have already signed up to bring their sweet creations. If you have ever baked a cake, cupcakes, a batch of cookies, cobbler, pie, bars, or brownies for your family, we need you! Let us know if you can help by calling the parish office 806.698.6400 or send an email to or

More Volunteer Opportunities here .
2018 Fall Festival Saturday, October 13th & BBQ Cook-off